Meeting Agenda
Notice of Public Meeting
Presidio School Inc. Board of Directors
Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Presidio School Board of Directors and to the general public that a meeting, open to the public, will be held as specified below.
Board of Presidio School, Inc.
By Terry S Garza, Terry S. Garza
Secretary, Board of Directors of Presidio School
Presidio School Board of Directors Meeting
1695 East Ft. Lowell
Dreamcatcher Library
Tucson, Arizona 85719
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
5:00 PM
- Call to order Mr. Carrillo
- Public Comment Mr. Carrillo
Action Items:
- Consideration to Approve the October 6, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes Ms. Garza
- Consideration to Approve the Presidio School September, 2021 Expenditures Ms. Garza
- Consideration to Approve the Presidio School FY20-21 Legal Compliance Ms. Garza
Questionnaire prepared by Mr. Fortino, the contracted auditor
- Consideration to Approve the Presidio School FY20-21 Audited Financial Ms. Garza
Statement prepared by Mr. Fortino, the contracted auditor
- Consideration of the bids presented and to approve the 2022-2023 Presidio School
Student Information System Ms. Montierth
- Consideration of the bids presented and to approve the cleaning service for the
remainder of the 2021-2022 fiscal year Ms. Montierth
Discussion Items:
- 1695 Courtyard project to be funded by ESSER III, Results Based & M & O Funding Ms. Monteirth
- Bid process concerns and issues
- Deadline concerns
- Inclusion in the Integrated Action Plan
Principal’s Report: Ms. Montierth
Meeting Minutes
Presidio School Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
1695 E. Ft. Lowell
Tucson, Arizona
Date: November 2, 2021
Called To Order: 5:00 PM Adjourned: 6:40 PM
Attendance by Members of the Board: P= Present, A=Absent, R=Remote Attendance
P Peggy Barnett, Treasurer
P Martin Carrillo, President
P Thomas Drexel, Vice President
P Terry Garza, Secretary
A Pat Johnston, Member
P Jessica Montierth Puls, Member
Public Comment: No public comment
- To approve the October 6, 2021 Minutes as presented.
Moved by: Jessica Montierth Puls Seconded by: Peggy Barnett Outcome: Passed
Aye Votes: Peggy Barnett, Martin Carrillo, Terry Garza, & Jessica Montierth Puls,
Nay Votes: None Abstentions: Thomas Drexel
- To approve the September 2021 Expenditures for Presidio School as presented.
Moved by: Peggy Barnett Seconded by: Terry Garza Outcome: Passed Unanimously
- To approve the Presidio School FY20/21 Legal Compliance Questionnaire prepared by Mr. Fortino, Presidio’s contracted auditor.
Moved by: Jessica Montierth Puls Seconded by: Tom Drexel Outcome: Passed Unanimously
Aye Votes: Peggy Barnett, Martin Carrillo, Thomas Drexel, Terry Garza, & Jessica Montierth Puls,
Nay Votes: None Abstentions: None Absent: Pat Johnston
- To approve Presidio School FY20/21 Audited Financial Statement prepared by Mr. Fortino, Presidio’s contracted auditor.
Moved by: Terry Garza Seconded by: Peggy Barnett Outcome: Passed Unanimously
Aye Votes: Peggy Barnett, Martin Carrillo, Thomas Drexel, Terry Garza, & Jessica Montierth Puls,
Nay Votes: None Abstentions: None Absent: Pat Johnston
- To approve the Power School Bid to provide the Presidio School Student Information System based upon the frequent changes forced upon Presidio School by the current provider Tyler SIS. School Master was Presidio’s original information system. Tyler SIS took over School Master and required Presidio School to transfer to Tyler SIS and pay mandatory training and data transfer fees. One year subsequent to that change, Tyler SIS, informed Presidio that they had assigned Presidio to the wrong version of the student information system and would need for the school to move to a different system. This process was accompanied with mandatory training fees and data transfer fees. It has been Presidio’s experience that Tyler SIS is not reliable, does not communicate well with the school about fees and payments for the various systems, and does not interface as well as it should with online programs such as Canvas. It is for those reasons that the decision was made to move to Power School even though the annual fees were slightly higher.
Moved by: Peggy Barnett Seconded by: Terry Garza Outcome: Passed Unanimously
- To approve the bid presented by Desert Clean with the following stipulation:
- Desert Clean’s contract will only be extended until February 7, 2022 on the condition that Desert Clean can meet Presidio School’s expectations for cleaning the school with the new extended hours. This extension was only granted on the condition that the failure to clean the school adequately would be addressed with the additional hours. The calculation of hours needed to clean was presented by Joe Roos, Presidio School Facilities Manager, which he stated was based on the Cleaning Industry Calculation Chart which specifies hours needed to clean based upon total square footage, amount of rooms to be cleaned, single and multi-restrooms, Cafeteria space, lobbies, teacher lounges, offices, MPR/Gym, etc.
- Mr. Roos is to present the Board with the Cleaning Industry Calculation Chart and how he used this chart to calculate Presidio School’s needs.
- Mr. Roos is to monitor Desert Clean’s progress in meeting the school’s requirements and present a progress report and recommendation for ending or continuing the contract with Desert Clean for the remainder of the fiscal year. The report must include alternate bids should Desert Clean not meet expectations. This report should be presented to the Superintendent one week prior to the February Board Meeting.
Moved by: Terry Garza Seconded by: Peggy Barnett Outcome: Passed Unanimously
Discussion Items:
- 1695 Courtyard project to be funded by ESSER III, M&O, and Results Based Funding
- Bid process concerns and issues – There were only two bids presented and neither addressed the entire project
- Deadline concerns – This project needs to be a high priority for the Facilities Manager due to the need to have bids and costs in place in order to complete the ESSER III Grant Application which has an application deadline in January of 2021
- Inclusion in the Integrated Action Plan – The Integrated Action Plan needs to be updated to reflect the goals and tasks related to ESSER III
- Board suggestion
- Break down RFP into multiple RFPs to address engineering vs. play structures
- Send out RFPs separately for bid
- Schedule needed meetings of all Presidio School Stakeholders to identify and input needed ESSER III additions to the Integrated Action Plan
Prepared by: Terry S. Garza, Terry S. Garza
Principal’s Report:
- Concerns regarding the Board approved mask policy
- JM received written concerns from teacher JGS regarding the mask policy; specifically the caveat that those who are vaccinated do not need to wear masks. JGS feels that this ostracizes others and would like to see all required to wear masks, regardless of vaccination status.
- JM updated the Health Care Plan (listed in the SY21/22 Single Site Hybrid Learning Plan) to more easily address any modifications needed by students (e.g. mask modifications, bathroom accommodations)
- Truck-or-Treat at Northwest YMCA
- 9 students and 4 Presidio staff volunteered at the event. Over 3000 community members attended and Presidio received positive feedback.
- Responsibility Flag Ceremony
- The ceremony was held in the Gym and Ms. Bonnie’s family was in attendance. We also had quite a few family members attend. Everyone was well behaved and a lot of positive feedback was received. Ms. Bonnie’s family greatly appreciated the memorial provided.
- History and Humanities Festival
- JE, SM, and JM spearheaded the organization of the festival. PLC teams provided lesson plans (via Master Teachers) and all supplies and lesson plans were provided to the teachers running the activities. EF is developing a survey to obtain faculty/staff feedback that will go out later this week. JE, SM, and JM will review the data and share reflections with faculty/staff.
- Performing Arts Seal update
- Presidio received approval. SM is already working with senior JM on his capstone project and volunteer hours.