June 15th, 2023

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Date: 06/15/2023
Time: 5:00pm
Location: Dreamcatcher Library

Meeting Agenda

Notice of Public Meeting

Presidio School Inc. Board of Directors

Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Presidio School Board of Directors and to the general public that a meeting, open to the public, will be held as specified below.


Board of Presidio School, Inc. 

By Terry S Garza, Terry S. Garza

Secretary, Board of Directors of Presidio School



Presidio School Board of Directors Meeting

1695 East Ft. Lowell 

Dreamcatcher Library

Tucson, Arizona 85719

Thursday, June 15, 2023

5:00 PM

  • Call to order Mr. Carrillo
  • Public Comment Mr. Carrillo

Action Items:

  • Consideration to Approve the May 2,2023  Board Meeting Minutes Ms. Garza
  • Consideration to Approve the April 2023 Expenditures Ms. Garza
  • Consideration to Approve the 2023-2024  Presidio School Proposed Annual Budget Ms. Garza
  • Consideration to Accept the resignation of Pat Johnston from the Board of Directors Ms. Garza

Discussion Items:

  • Performing Arts Class Proposal Ms. Montierth
  • SAAVAS Learning Quasi-Experimental Design study of enVision math program  Ms. Montierth
  • Termite Proposals Ms. Garza

Principal’s Report:

Meeting Minutes

Presidio School Board of Directors

 Meeting Minutes

1695 E. Ft. Lowell

Tucson, Arizona

Date:   June 16, 2023


Called To Order:  5:09 PM Adjourned:  6:34 PM

Attendance by Members of the Board:  P= Present, A=Absent, R=Remote Attendance

  A   Peggy Barnett, Treasurer

  P   Martin Carrillo, President

  P   Thomas Drexel, Vice President

  P  Terry Garza, Secretary

       Pat Johnston, Member Resignation accepted by Presidio School Board

  P   Jessica Montierth, Member

Public Comment: No public comment


  1. To approve the May 2, 2023 Minutes as presented.

Moved by:     Tom Drexel Seconded by:    Jessica Montierh  Outcome: Passed Unanimously


  1. To approve the April 2023 expenditures.

Moved by:     Tom Drexel Seconded by:    Jessica Montierh  Outcome: Passed Unanimously

  1. To approve the 2023-2024 Presidio School Proposed Annual Budget.

Moved by:       Terry Garza Seconded by:     Tom Drexel     Outcome: Passed Unanimously

  1. To accept the resignation of Pat Johnston from the Presidio School Board of Directors with regret and appreciation for her fifteen years of dedicated service to Presidio as teacher, business manager and board member.  In gratitude for her service the Board wants to present her with a gift selected by Superintendent Terry Garza approximating $200.

Moved by:     Tom Drexel Seconded by:    Jessica Montierh  Outcome: Passed Unanimously 

Discussion Items

  • Performing/Theatre Arts Course Proposal
    • In an effort to “cast a wide net” with respect to hiring a new Dance/Performing Arts teacher, one of Presidio’s teachers drafted a course proposal to modify the Specials/Elective course from Dance to Performing/Theatre Arts.  The focus of the course is on movement through acting, interpretive dance, emotion, etc.  While it is heavily influenced by movement, it cannot be classified as a physical education course.  It does, however, offer opportunities for students to explore various physical aspects of theatre and has a strong Social Emotional Learning component.
    • The Board would like to see the Course Proposal to be amended to reflect a course change from Dance to Performing Arts with an emphasis on Dance.  
  • SAAVAS Learning Company enVision Math Study
    • SAAVAS Learning Company is partnering with an independent research firm specializing in education research to conduct a Quasi-Experimental Design study of their enVision math program and has asked Presidio to participate.  As part of the study, Presidio will receive $2500 to the general fund and each participating teacher will receive a $500 stipend or Amazon gift card.  Additionally, Presidio will be required to administer a MAP assessment at the beginning and end of the school year.  The assessment will be funded by SAAVAS through Presidio.
  • Termite Proposals
    • Facilities Manager received three bids for the 300 building termite issue.  Of the bids, two proposals were fairly similar in price.
    • The Board would like more information about the management of the termites and an evaluation rubric that compares the proposals prior to including as an action item for the June 27, 2023 meeting, specifically the traps.  The Board is disinclined to approve termite traps.  
    • The Board would also like the Facilities Manager to inspect the 1695 (excluding the 500 building) and 1615 for possible termite issues and report to the Charter Holders.

Prepared by: Terry S. Garza ,  Terry S. Garza


Principal’s Report

  • Safety Grant Update
    • Presidio’s IT Support and Services Manager, Business Manager, and Principal worked together to complete the necessary requirements for the Safety Grant, but missed the submission deadline by 1 minute due to technology challenges.  As a result, Presidio is not in the running for the grant this school year.  However, Presidio can reapply for the grant in May 2024 and plans to do so.
  • Exceptional Student Services (ESS) Policies and Procedures
    • During a self-audit with Presidio’s ADE ESS Program Specialist, it was brought to Presidio’s attention that Presidio’s ESS Policies and Procedures lacked information regarding assessing children ages birth to 5.  That was rectified, however, the Program Specialist also cited a technical assist with regards to Manifestation Hearings, information for which is found in Presidio’s Student Handbook.  As a result, Presidio’s Compliance Officer has decided to wait to present the revised ESS Policies and Procedures to the Board for approval until the next Board Meeting so that she can work with the ESS Program Specialist to refine Presidio’s ESS Policies and Procedures.
    • The Office of Civil Rights and Presidio reached a Resolution Agreement regarding OCR Case 08-23-1150 that requires Presidio School to revise the ESS Policies and Procedures related to discipline of students with disabilities – specifically regarding how and when Presidio School provides Procedural Safeguards as it pertains to manifestation hearings and determinations.
  • Facilities Update
    • Building 300
      • Once the termite treatment has been completed, Titan can complete the portion of the work that is being paid by Presidio.  Titan is waiting to complete the portion of the work that is being covered by Selective Insurance
    • 1695 Campus and High School Courtyard
      • The work on High School Courtyard (1695 campus) is scheduled to begin on July 10, 2023 and is anticipated to take 2 weeks to complete.  The only aspect of the project that is uncertain at this time is the turf as Play It Safe has ordered, but not received the turf.
      • Presidio received the estimate for the 1695 grading and drainage and is creating the Purchase Order Request with the hope that the work can be scheduled to begin on/around July 10, 2023.
  • Summer Remediation/Credit Recovery and Enrichment
    • The Director of Aftercare/Enrichment Coordinator resigned the night before Enrichment began; however, CL offered to step into the role of Enrichment Coordinator and was able to transition seamlessly.
    • Summer Remediation/Credit Recovery has reported success with the programs being used and students are moving right along in their coursework.
  •  Enrichment after Easter/Passover break.

Prepared by: Jessica Montierth

 Jessica Montierth


Next Meeting: June 27, 2023 @ 12:00 PM

Next Meeting

January 14th, 2024

5:00 pm Presidio School Dreamcatcher Library

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