Meeting Agenda
Notice of Public Meeting
Presidio School Inc. Board of Directors
Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Presidio School Board of Directors and to the general public that a meeting, open to the public, will be held as specified below.
Board of Presidio School, Inc.
By Terry S Garza, Terry S. Garza
Secretary, Board of Directors of Presidio School
Presidio School Board of Directors Meeting
1695 East Ft. Lowell
Dreamcatcher Library
Tucson, Arizona 85719
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
5:00 PM |
- Call to order Mr. Carrillo
- Public Comment Mr. Carrillo
Action Items:
- Consideration to Approve the February 7,2023 Board Meeting Minutes Ms. Garza
- Consideration to Approve the January 2023 Expenditures Ms. Garza
- Consideration to Approve adding Jessica Montierth to the list of those authorized Ms. Garza
to sign on behalf of the Presidio School Board of Directors for the Inter-Governmental
Agreement (IGA) for Dual Enrollment with Pima Community College. Authorized
signers will now be Tom Drexel, Terry Garza, and Jessica Montierth.
- Consideration to Approve adding Jessica Montierth to the list of those authorized Ms. Garza
to sign on behalf of the Presidio School Board of Directors for the Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with Microsoft TEALS Program. Authorized signers will
now be Tom Drexel, Terry Garza, and Jessica Montierth.
- Consideration to Approve the FY 23/24 Catering RFP Ms. Montierth
- Consideration to Approve the FY 23/24 Facilities Cleaning RFP Ms. Montierth
- Consideration to Approve the FY 23/24 Landscaping RFP Ms. Montierth
Discussion Items:
- Comprehensive Needs Assessments/Integrated Action Plan Ms. Montierth
Principal’s Report: Ms. Montierth
Meeting Minutes
Presidio School Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
1695 E. Ft. Lowell
Tucson, Arizona
Date: March 7, 2023
Called To Order: 5:00 PM Adjourned: 5:54 PM
Attendance by Members of the Board: P= Present, A=Absent, R=Remote Attendance
P Peggy Barnett, Treasurer
P Martin Carrillo, President
P Thomas Drexel, Vice President
P Terry Garza, Secretary
R Pat Johnston, Member
P Jessica Montierth, Member
Public Comment: No public comment
- To approve the February 7, 2023 Minutes as presented.
Moved by: Pat Johnston Seconded by: Tom Drexel Outcome: Passed Unanimously
- To table the January 2023 expenditures due to Quickbooks update issues.
Moved by: Terry Garza Seconded by: Tom Drexel Outcome: Passed Unanimously
- Consideration to approve adding Jessica Montierth to the list of authorized signers on behalf of Presidio School for the Dual Enrollment IGA with Pima Community College. Authorized signers will be Tom Drexel, Terry Garza, and Jessica Montierth.
Moved by: Peggy Barnett Seconded by: Pat Johnston Outcome: Passed Unanimously
- Consideration to approve adding Jessica Montierth to the list of authorized signers on behalf of Presidio School for the MOU with Microsoft TEALS. Authorized signers will be Tom Drexel, Terry Garza, and Jessica Montierth.
Moved by: Peggy Barnett Seconded by: Terry Garza Outcome: Passed Unanimously
- Consideration to approve the FY 23/24 Catering RFP as presented.
Moved by: Terry Garza Seconded by: Peggy Barnett Outcome: Passed Unanimously
- Consideration to approve the FY23/24 Facilities Cleaning RFP with the addition of power washing the entrance to the 1695 campus to the scope of work.
Moved by: Pat Johnston Seconded by: Tom Drexel Outcome: Passed Unanimously
- Consideration to approve the FY 23/24 Landscaping RFP with a clause stating work shall be conducted during hours when students are not on campus and larger projects such as pruning and planting new vegetation will be completed during school breaks. The RFP will include a school calendar and schedule for vendors. The RFP shall include the addition of planting new vegetation and/or replacing dead vegetation on an as needed basis with Presidio School covering vegetation costs. Landscaping will be changed from bi-weekly to twice per month.
Moved by: Terry Garza Seconded by: Tom Drexel Outcome: Passed Unanimously
Discussion Items
- Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA)/Integrated Action Plan (IAP) Follow Up
Data was pulled from stakeholder surveys and poll surveys written by the senior class (using IAP goals). Discussions about IAP goals were held during PTSO, PLC, Board meetings, and PD opportunities. The NSLP Manager and Facilities Manager have also provided feedback from community partners. JM plans to have the completed CNA and IAPs for the District and School ready on/before March 20, 2023.
Prepared by: Terry S. Garza , Terry S. Garza
Principal’s Report
- Facilities Update
- Building 300
- Demolition has been completed and the final estimate for renovations is being sent to the insurance adjustor. Because the roof repair has already been approved, it is in process and should be completed by the end of the week. Presidio will cover the cost of replacement/repair of the fascia and the painting of the fascia and eves as those repairs were a result of maintenance, not storm damage.
- Once the roof has been completed, DC, JM, and RL will meet with Titan to discuss possible remodeling ideas for building 300 (that are outside of the scope of work covered by insurance). Presidio will be responsible for any costs associated with remodel, not remediation.
- 1695 Campus/Play It Safe
- Water Bottle Refilling Stations
- All water bottle refilling stations were installed over Rodeo Break. There is some minor touch up painting that needs to be done, but otherwise this project has been completed. Presidio plans to install one more water bottle refilling station on Building 300 after the remodel/renovation is complete.
- Employee Update
- Director of Aftercare
- Presidio welcomed a new Director of Aftercare to the Presidio Family. SC has a wealth of knowledge running DES preschool programs and has hit the ground running. She is currently working 30 hours/week and has implemented a curriculum that aligns with Presidio’s Social Emotional Learning.
- Formal Observations
- Formal teacher observations are occurring during the months of March and April. Directors of Curriculum and Instruction and the Principal are conducting observations
- Letters of Continued Employment
- Staff who are being asked back for the SY23/24 school year will receive Letters of Continued Employment after Spring Break.
Prepared by: Jessica Montierth
Jessica Montierth
Next Meeting April 4, 2023 at 5:00 PM