April 4, 2023

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Date: 04/04/2023
Time: 5:00pm
Location: Dreamcatcher Library

Meeting Agenda

Notice of Public Meeting

Presidio School Inc. Board of Directors

Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Presidio School Board of Directors and to the general public that a meeting, open to the public, will be held as specified below.


Board of Presidio School, Inc. 

By Terry S Garza, Terry S. Garza

Secretary, Board of Directors of Presidio School


Presidio School Board of Directors Meeting

1695 East Ft. Lowell 

Dreamcatcher Library

Tucson, Arizona 85719

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

5:00 PM


  • Call to order Mr. Carrillo
  • Public Comment Mr. Carrillo

Action Items:

  • Consideration to Approve the March 7,2023  Board Meeting Minutes Ms. Garza
  • Consideration to Approve the January 2023 Expenditures Ms. Garza
  • Consideration to Approve the February 2023 Expenditures Ms. Garza
  • Consideration to Approve the FY 23/24 Catering Bid Ms. Montierth
  • Consideration to Approve the FY 23/24 Facilities Cleaning Bid Ms. Montierth
  • Consideration to Approve the FY 23/24 Landscaping Bid Ms. Montierth


Discussion Items:

  • School Safety Concerns Ms. Montierth

Principal’s Report: Ms. Montierth

Meeting Minutes

Presidio School Board of Directors

 Meeting Minutes

1695 E. Ft. Lowell

Tucson, Arizona

Date:   April 4, 2023


Called To Order:  5:06 PM Adjourned:  5:57 PM

Attendance by Members of the Board:  P= Present, A=Absent, R=Remote Attendance

  P   Peggy Barnett, Treasurer

  P   Martin Carrillo, President

  P   Thomas Drexel, Vice President

  A  Terry Garza, Secretary

  A  Pat Johnston, Member

  P   Jessica Montierth, Member

Public Comment: No public comment


  1. To approve the March 7, 2023 Minutes as presented.

Moved by:     Jessica Montierth Seconded by:    Tom Drexel   Outcome: Passed Unanimously

  1. To approve the January 2023 expenditures.

Moved by:       Tom Drexel Seconded by:     Peggy Barnett     Outcome: Passed Unanimously

  1. To approve the February 2023 expenditures.

Moved by:       Tom Drexel Seconded by:     Peggy Barnett     Outcome: Passed Unanimously

  1. To table approval of a FY 23/24 Catering Bid until the May meeting to allow more time for additional responses to the RFP

Moved by:       Tom Drexel Seconded by:     Peggy Barnett     Outcome: Passed Unanimously

  1. To table approval of a FY 23/24 Facilities Cleaning Bid until the May meeting to allow more time for additional responses to the RFP

Moved by:       Tom Drexel Seconded by:     Peggy Barnett     Outcome: Passed Unanimously

  1. To table approval of a FY 23/24 Landscaping Bid until the May meeting to allow more time for additional responses to the RFP

Moved by:       Tom Drexel Seconded by:     Peggy Barnett     Outcome: Passed Unanimously

Discussion Items

  • School Safety Concerns
    • In response to the increasing frequency of school violence and concerns expressed by stakeholders, school safety needs have been included in Presidio’s Integrated Action Plan, Principle 5: Climate, Culture, and Conditions.  One of the Action Items listed under that Principle is the Phased Security Camera Plan, approved by the Board in March 2023.  Stakeholders are also requesting that Presidio invest in physical security measures (specifically in the front office and to address identified weak points in the gates) and increased electronic security measures (e.g. panic button in the front office and automatic locking doors in the front office).  The Presidio Board of Directors is in agreement that Presidio school creates a Phased Security Plan to include the aforementioned suggestions.  Presidio will include the development and implementation of a Phased Security Plan into the Integrated Action Plan and will present the Security Plan to the Board for approval at the May Board Meeting. 

Prepared by: Terry S. Garza ,  Terry S. Garza


Principal’s Report

  • Safe Return to School/Single Site Hybrid Plan
    • Presidio is required to submit the last Safe Return to School plan on/before May 4, 2023.  Upon review of Presidio’s current Single Site Hybrid Plan, the Board did not see a need to make any changes, so JM will move forward with the submission.  This will be the last Safe Return to School plan that Presidio will be required to submit to EMAC.   
  • ESS Policies and Procedures
    • During Presidio’s self audit with Presidio’s ADE ESS Program Specialist, it was noted that Presidio did not include information about locationing children ages birth to preschool aged that have not been previously identified.  Presidios’ Compliance Officer made changes to the ESS Policies and Procedures and will submit them for review by the Program Specialist prior to submitting to the Board for approval (at the May 2023 Board Meeting)
  • OCR Complaint update
    • Presidio’s Compliance Officer met with representatives from the Office of Civil Rights over Spring Break to address questions regarding an OCR complaint brought against Presidio.  Presidio’s Compliance Officer was able to provide additional information and followed up to ensure OCR representatives had all information needed.  
  • Facilities Update
    • Building 300
      • Building 300 has a new roof and fascia.  Presidio is awaiting information from the insurance adjustor before moving forward with the internal renovation.  Due to the delay from the insurance adjustor, the estimated date of completion (mid-April) will not be met.
    • 1695 Campus/Play It Safe
      • The 1695 Courtyard project is slowly underway.  Presidio met with Play It Safe representatives to discuss the results of the surveying and engineering plans.  The engineering team will have a 30% plan ready to present to Presidio on April 25, 2023.  Upon approval, Jeff Sheppard (Play It Safe) will take the plan to the City for “open desk” on April 27/28, 2023.  Upon approval from the City, Play It Safe and Presidio can schedule the work for grading and drainage to begin.
  • March Events follow up
    • March 10 Flag Ceremony
      • Presidio was thrilled to welcome representatives from the Navy Reserves to lead the school in the Pledge and Presidio’s fifth grade class to share a song they wrote in preparation for the upcoming state-mandated assessments.  Because March 10 was a half day, students who were nominated for the Respect Pillar participated in Pizza with the Principal on Monday, March 20, 2023.
    • High School Sea Camp field study opportunity
      • Students in grades 11 and 12 who met the field study requirements, attended Sea Camp in Southern California March 20-23, 2023.  Activities included a chartered boat trip to Catalina Island, playing in the ocean, sea creature labs, and cold showers.  For many of Presidio’s students, this was the first time they had been out of state, let alone their first experience with the ocean.
    • High School CCCR Buffalo Exchange Clothing Sale
      • Presidio’s High School CCCR class organized the Buffalo Exchange $1 Clothing Sale as a fundraiser for prom.  Family and friends of Presidio were able to participate in the fundraiser the Friday evening prior to the event, with the actual event being held on March 25, 20023 from 9:00am – 1:00pm.  The class then donated the remaining items to Big Brothers/Big Sisters.  
    • High School Production
      • Presidio’s High School Specials team’s first annual High School Production came to fruition on March 31, 2023.  The script, written by Sifu, was brought to life by the high school specials classes.  Sets and costuming were done by the Visual Arts class, Kung Fu numbers and acting by the CCCR and Kung Fu classes, and musical numbers by the High School Rock Band.  Parents and students from all age groups attended this exciting event.
  • Upcoming April Events
    • State-mandated assessments
      • State-mandated assessments began the last week of March and will continue through the month of April.  Presidio’s DCIs and Principal have worked diligently to create a manageable schedule and conducted a teacher training on March 9.  Presidio’s PTSO donated the money for assessments snacks 
    • Grade 7 Sky School field study opportunity
      • Students in grade 7 who met the field study requirements are scheduled to attend Sky School at Mt. Lemmon on April 24-25, 2023.  Sky School is a a place-based and inquiry-based science education program at the UA’s Steward Observatory. These programs are open to all Arizona K-12 students. In the unique sky island environment in the Catalina Mountains, we strive to merge a wide variety of science and engineering disciplines to foster a deeper understanding of our earth, while building an appreciation for our sense of place. This unique program is a wonderful opportunity for students to practice real science and design their own research project. 
    • April 28 Flag Ceremony
      • Presidio will have its last flag ceremony of the school year on April 28, where we will honor “Pillars of our Community” as our activity to kick off our focus on all Character Pillars.  Representatives from federal, state, and local agencies will attend and receive recognition for how they embody the Pillars of Character in our community.  The Arizona Department of Education is sending representatives to highlight Presidio’s use of the Pillars of Character and Social Emotional Learning programs.
  • Formal Observations/Summative Evaluations
    • Directors of Curriculum and Instruction (DCI)and Principal are conducting formal observations on all teachers.  K-5 DCI is observing all K-5 teachers and the Fast ForWord teacher, Grades 6-12 DCI is observing all middle and high school teachers.  Principal is observing all Specials, ESS, RtI, and any other teachers not already being observed.  Formal observations should be completed by the first week in May.  DCIs and the Principal have an off-site strategic planning day (May 19, 2023)  to complete Summative Evaluations for all employees. 
  • May ceremonies
    • Presidio reached out to the Leo Rich Theater on March1 and again on March 31 to secure the reservation for the Leo Rich Theater for the May 25, 2023 graduation and promotion ceremonies.  At this time, representatives from the Leo Rich Theater 
  • Summer Remediation/Credit Recovery and Enrichment
    • Teachers are discussing Intervention Plan updates and finalizing summer remediation/credit recovery lists in preparation for Presidio to send out information about Summer Remediation/Credit Recovery and Enrichment after Easter/Passover break.

Prepared by: Jessica Montierth

 Jessica Montierth


Next Meeting May 2, 2023 at 5:00 PM

Next Meeting

January 14th, 2024

5:00 pm Presidio School Dreamcatcher Library

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